Legacy: Nikki Grimes Visual Poem Anaysis

Nikki Grimes poem 'Autum Evening' visual poetry analysis. Assignment includes images that connect to the poem. Deteremine the literary devices, themes, and structure of the peom to understand the messages the author was trying to convey.
The title “Your World” refers to your life. It signifies that at the end of the day this is your life and your world, so you do what you would like. A metaphor is when two unlike things are being compared directly. By using metaphors the author uses a bird getting ready to fly off, to signify a person being set free. The poem uses the line “I throbbed with a burning desire” to represent a person gaining courage, and wanting to reach their full potential. In the poem “Your World”, Georgia uses allusion and symbolism. She uses a bird getting ready to fly, as a symbol of a person being held back to seeing their full potential. When the bird starts to fly, it symbolizes a person realizing their true abilities. Georgia uses the rhyme structure of, ABCBDEFEEGHG. The theme of this poem is dreams remain dreams until your reality unfolds them, and through determination of body and soul, you can achieve more than you imagined.
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students