Legacy - Nikki Grimes Visual Poem Analysis

Nikki Grimes poem "Unseen" visual poetry analysis. Assignment includes images that connect to the poem. Determined literary devices, themes, and structure of the poem to understand the messages the author was trying to convey.
The title “Unseen” means unnoticed or ignored. The poem shows the meaning of the title on many occasions, describing an old, weak woman who is ignored. A metaphor is a direct comparison in a non literal way. Metaphors are used in “Unseen” to compare actions with feelings such as “drinking the gall”, giving us the idea that she suffered and endured bitterness and pain. Throughout the poem, these metaphors provide us deeper meanings and themes which allow us to connect more with the person’s feelings and emotions. This poem uses a lot of metaphors in its lines. The metaphors in this poem describe a woman’s struggles and lack of recognition from people which show us how underappreciated this person was. Using this literary device throughout the poem allows the poem to convey its message in a deeper meaning where we could connect it to a theme much more easily. The rhyme scheme is AABBCCDDEEFF. A theme found in the poem is that it’s important to value those that are important to you. Another theme found is that you never know when someone’s or your last day is, so you should always value the moments you have with them because one day you may just not have that opportunity anymore.
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students