Having my say - Nikki Grimes visual poetry analysis

Nikki Grimes poem "Having My Say" visual poetry analysis
This title has a very powerful meaning as a woman of black who knows her confidence and has a voice and mind. Most people believe a woman should be controlled while this title is saying how this girl is confident in herself in whatever she does and will always be proud of it. A metaphor is an object or word applicable to a phase of the words. Metaphors are being used because she is saying how she won't apologize to be bold. Another as she is very young and found that voice inside of her. Harmony uses words and phrases like these to make the poem more dramatic. the greatest effect of metaphor is “proud to speak my mind uninvited” its means to say how no matter who she is with she will always express her mind, this is very powerful and the best evidence it was used for metaphor. The literary device being used in this poem is personification for all the personal qualities happening in the poem. Harmony speaks out so much about how she is a woman of black and everyone is very quiet due to being a girl and as well racism. This connects to the theme and message of the poem of how women have been seen for centuries and women need to stand out more in the world so they can all come up together and prove how women can be equal to men. Another theme that connects is racism, Blacks are known as dangerous wild human beings which isn't true because the only color is what affects but they are only humans. The rhyme scheme is: AABCCBCACDF. The two themes in this poem are “i must speak because I am both girl and black” the second theme is “ i will routinely be unseen, unheard, unnoticed if i am silent” These 2 themes spoke out the most throughout this whole poem and relate a lot to the world and what we struggled for a very long time till now.
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students