Legacy - Nikki Grimes Visual Poem Analysis

Gertrude Parthenia McBrown's poem "Unseen" visual poetry analysis. Assignment includes images that connect to the poem. Determined literary devices, themes, and structure of the poem to understand the messages the author was trying to convey.
Statement: The title of the poem means that the old woman in the story was left unseen. The title also means that the old woman was unseen because she was ignored by the general public. A metaphor is a word or phrase that is a comparison of 2 unlike things. The metaphors used in the poem are drinking the gall and struggling up the city street. The metaphor drinking the gall means the old woman is dying and struggling up the city street means that the old woman is barely able to keep going. Allusions to Christian beliefs are used throughout the poem. Some examples of Allusion used are the Holy Book and angel smiles from paradise. The Holy Book is the bible and angel smiles from paradise are the angels smiling down from Heaven. The rhyme scheme of the poem is AABBCCDDEEFF. The 2 themes in the poem are to value the ones that we love is important as life is unpredictable and to always pay attention to our surroundings. |
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students