Legacy - Nikki Grimes Visual Poem Analysis

Nikki Grimes poem "Unseen" visual poetry analysis. Assignment includes images that connect to the poem. Determined literary devices, theme, and structure.
People only worry about themselves and not others around them including their family members. A metaphor is comparing two unlike things directly. The metaphors are used in the poem to describe how a person can easily be forgotten and not noticed. The lit Device used in the poem is Allusion. It means that this poet might be religious and it connects to the theme because the poet is describing how an old lady is being neglected and forgotten. The poem has an AABBCCDDEEFF rhyme structure. Valuing the ones we love is important because you’ll never know if you’ll see them tomorrow. Spend more time with the ones you love most because you’ll never know who’s gonna go first.
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students