Prompt #2
My dad acted courageously when he was in the military
There have been many times when people I've known have acted courageously. My dad was in the Air Force for 12 years and he usually does not like sharing stories about his time but he decided to tell me about this one story.
He was 21 at the time and was deployed to Kuwait. He was eating dinner with his friends and was about to get ready for bed when all of a sudden there was word of an enemy trying to sneak onto the base and try to hurt them. When my dad and his buddies got word of this they all came together and were prepared to fight if it came down to that. Now, my dad never ended up hurting the said enemy and some other soldiers ended up catching the guy but the fact that his friends and he were ready to fight for themselves and for the country at any given moment makes him pretty courageous.
Park Rapids High School College Writing
Park Rapids High School College in the High School students