Climate Change
Climate change is a serious problem that needs to be addressed and fixed. If we don't act on it, there could be serious consequences in future years.
Climate change is long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. The rise of temperatures and the extreme weather conditions are visible signs of climate change.These shifts can be natural, but also caused by fossil fuels (coal, gas, and oil). Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.The average surface temperature has risen an average of 1°F. Past generations have caused this problem, leaving the current and future generations to reverse it. We need to take immediate lifestyle changes if we want to reverse climate change.
Climate change will cause the surface temperature on Earth to increase by 1.5°F by 2028. It will also reach an increase of 8°F by 2100. However, there are ways to reverse this. We cannot reverse the problem overnight, but we can slow the rate of change down. A way you can reverse climate change is by using an electric vehicle, instead of gas. Electric can be naturally sourced, by using windmills and solar panels. It will help slow climate change, but there are also other ways we can help slow it. You can also use public transportation or carpool as an alternative. Another way is reverting to solar panels. Solar panels get their energy from the sun, instead of getting energy from a power plant, which produces fossil fuels that hurt the Earth. The final huge way we can help reverse climate change is by restoring rainforests. Restoring rainforests would help since the trees take in the carbon from the air and release oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas that drives climate change. This will help slow climate change as well as give people fresh oxygen.
In conclusion, in trying to reverse climate change takes all of us, and it's not an easy task. It is also crucial for the survival of future generations. We all need to be responsible for creating practices to help reverse climate change. If we all work together, we can help reverse climate change, slowly but surely. We need to take action before it is too late.
Greater Johnstown High School APUSHII + Am. History 2
10th grade writers