Hello Leroy Homer
This is a letter to a pilot on Flight 93 plane that I remember vividly learning about in 6th grade.
While studying Flight 93 and the passengers on the plane, your story interested me the most. When I was 12, I remember watching a movie in sixth grade that was an interpretation of the incident. I already knew the basics of what happened, but I had never seen it visually so I could never fully comprehend what the passengers went through. In the first scene of the movie, you were the first person I saw. It was early in the morning and you kissed your wife goodbye to go fly flight 93. I had seen a picture of your wife and daughter when I was young, and I remember thinking to myself that your child will never have memories with her father and never fully meet the wonderful person I think you were. It upset me, a lot, and I couldn’t imagine how she feels now. What everyone on the plane went through was unimaginable and put me in a shock I had never been in before. I truly wish not only you, but all 40 passengers on that plane didn’t endure the scary and horrifying moments before you guys passed away. But I also wish that the life you had before you took it for granted and enjoyed every living part of it. To you personally, I hope you rest in peace and I hope your family is living well and happy. Thank you for your service.
Greater Johnstown High School APUSHII + Am. History 2
10th grade writers