Discrimination is wrong
Discrimination is not okay. Being separated by race, ethnicity, nationality, class, caste, religion, belief, gender, language, age, health or other status should not be allowed. This is an act of people unable to use their human rights.
Today 51% of black Americans reported being discriminated against in pay and consideration for, promotions, 31% of all women say they have been discriminated against when applying for jobs due to their gender, and Native Americans living in majority Native areas are more than twice as likely (54%) as those living in non-majority Native areas (22%) to say they have faced anti-Native discrimination in hiring, promotion, and compensation. This doesn't include harassment, interactions with police, etc.
In health care, 9% of white Americans, 22% of black Americans, and 16% of LGBTQ people are refused health care. Older women and men also experience discrimination in health care for their age, race, ethnicity, etc. It is well established that black people get refused help unlike white people as well. This could even mean mental health which could be poor due to discrimination. Discrimination can make someone mentally ill because of the separation from people.
If you think discrimination is okay you are agreeing to discrimination towards disabilities, autism, mental illness, homelessness, and immigrants too. You should not be agreeing to that! Discrimination is used so often that at least 98.9% of places use or have used an act of discrimination. Different forms are direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and inadequate accessibility instructions to discrimination.
Discrimination is truly one massive problem in the world that needs to be stopped. Some people think discrimination is needed to separate people away from "normal" people but this is not true at all. We do not need discrimination. Racism and slaves and women separated from men are both examples of discrimination back then. We never got rid of it we just made it better.
Greater Johnstown High School Wrabley - Civics 8
8th grade students participating in the Write to Remember assignment to reflect on the impact of Flight 93 and the events of September 11, 2001.