
Pollution is a very big issue in the world and causes so many problems. If we try to get rid of the damage that comes from cars, factories, and fires, we can reduce the amount of pollution that is being distributed through the air.

One of the biggest and known problems in the world is pollution. Pollution causes health problems for all living organisms on Earth. Pollution contaminates the air we breathe which can cause diseases and respiratory issues. It can cause plants to wilt and grow bacteria on it. Animals will eat those plants and get very sick from consumption of these plants. There are a lot of people who ignore pollution and the problems it can cause. This is something that we can't ignore because it affects many things that are important on Earth. So as a person, you should ask yourself the question, am I the reason pollution is worsening and how can I fix it?

Pollution can be natural or man-made. Most of the pollution that people, plants, and animals run into is man-made. It is created from factories, cars, etc. The smoke from cars and factories will contaminate the air and spread very fast. The wind will help it with spreading too. Most of the air that we breathe is polluted. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "WHO data show that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures." This proves that what I'm saying is accurate and true. Pollution is already bad so we don't want to make it any worse.

There are some ways we can try and reduce pollution as a whole. For starters, we should try and deal with the bigger threats like factories, cars, and fires. Now not all fires are bad but if you are burning trash and things like that, the smoke from it can cause some serious damage. The same goes for factory and car smoke. If we can try to reduce how often we use our cars or burn things, it will take the rates of pollution down just a little bit. Another thing we can do is take care of the plants that are being affected by pollution. We can grow more trees and various types of plants to get brand-new ones. It will help lessen the number of sick animals since they will eat these contaminated plants sometimes and get ill. If we are able to do some of these things, it will make the air so much cleaner and more enjoyable for everyone and everything. We need to take action to stop the spread of pollution!




Greater Johnstown High School APUSHII + Am. History 2

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