Those Left in the Streets
An essay about the homeless problem we are facing in America. Something we can stop if we all work together.
The people on Flight 93 stopped an even worse disaster from happening we lost the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon, but the bravery and courage of the people on the flight stopped an attack on the White House. While that problem was stopped we still have to deal with a problem the entire world faces; Homelessness.
Many states around America and other places around the world have a massive population of homeless people, but for now, we will only focus on America. Right now there are about 582,000 people who are homeless and counting. The states California, Vermont, and Oregon are the 3 states that lead in the homeless population consisting of around 182,138 of the population. This is absurd. We should not have this amount of people on the streets without a home; Struggling to survive.
So far we have only focused on America, but the US isn't the only place to have homeless people the entire world has homeless people and altogether there are 150 million homeless people in the world. We shouldn't have let this happen, and we can't let this continue. Imagine how these people are living, with no roof above their heads, living in the streets or cars, struggling to feed themselves having to work or scrounge for enough money to feed themselves, but we can solve this problem and stop it.
There are many possible ways to solve this problem. For example, we can increase the average pay of jobs so even the most simple and basic jobs would pay more than the living average. We can also start more programs to fund homeless shelters or build more of them. There is also the possibility of the government giving funds to homeless people, there is, of course, the risk of people using this to buy illegal substances, but we should do it nonetheless to help the people who truly need help to get out of homelessness, and poverty.
In the end, we need to recognize the homeless problem in the world many have to face, and many bear witness to it while on a walk, a commute to work, a drive to a local park, or a simple errand run. Together we can help solve it and if we work hard enough we could possibly end it.
Greater Johnstown High School Wrabley - Civics 8
8th grade students participating in the Write to Remember assignment to reflect on the impact of Flight 93 and the events of September 11, 2001.