Global Warming
The risks global warming causes and how people working together can fix it.
Since 2022 the world has heated up by 1.55 degrees F. If the world keeps heating like this terrible things will start to happen.
The seas will start to rise due to the glaciers melting and the Arctic will start to become too hot.
Native Arctic animals will die including, polar bears and walruses. Many Arctic Natives need those animals to survive, for food, clothes, shoes, tents, etc.
Global warming doesn't only affect the Arctic though, it affects all of us. Hot places will get even hotter and soon become too hot for people to live in. Water will dry up and cause droughts and our grounds will dry up making it impossible to grow food. If global warming continues it could take us all out. People love to say ¨The Earth is dying ¨ but the Earth isn't dying, it's being killed and the people killing it have names and addresses
HEY! You didn't think I was implying something violent did you? Maybe I am but maybe I'm not. To make this more school-appropriate, what I meant by that is that people who pollute the earth, litter, pour things into the ocean, etc., should be held accountable. Those people should be put into jail or at least have to pay some kind of fine. Another thing people love to do is say ¨I love the earth!¨ ¨Im so earth aesthetic¨ and other dumb things like that but then they sit on their butts and turn a blind eye when people try to spread awareness about the dying earth.
What's crazy is that the solution to a healthy earth is so easy. We start by making eco-friendly transportation. I think cars should be completely abolished and buses and trains should take over. I also think that we should all live in earth-made houses. (If you don't know what that is, Google is free!) I know that probably won't happen so something we could do instead is plant flowers in our yards, grow trees, and let vines grow on our houses. That is one of the ways we can keep the earth healthy.
So you see, if people worked together to reach this cause the earth would become much much more healthy and we could co-exist with mother nature instead of spitting on her and trying to rise above her.
Greater Johnstown High School Wrabley - Civics 8
8th grade students participating in the Write to Remember assignment to reflect on the impact of Flight 93 and the events of September 11, 2001.