Dear Deora
A letter to Deora Frances Bodley asking what her life was like before September 11, 2001.
Dear Deora Frances Bodley,
What was it like? What was it like on the plane, how did you find out what was happening? What was your life like? You were on your way home from visiting friends so you must have at least had some friends. What was college like? You were studying to be a child psychologist, was your mind set on that career, was it something you've always wanted to do? You liked kids and even tutored them in your free time. Was having kids something you saw in your future? What was in your future, did you have it all planned out? I wish more people could know who you were. And I wish the world could have seen all the things you were going to accomplish. Thank you for your courage and bravery, the world has changed for the better because of you and everyone else on Flight 93.
Thank you
Greater Johnstown High School APUSH I
9th grade writers