A Letter to Nicole Carol Miller
In “A Letter to Nicole Carol Miller”, I give a basic explanation of who Nicole is and her story as a flight 93 passenger in the form of a letter to her.
Dear Nicole Carol Miller,
It's been 8,039 days since September 11th 2001, it's currently September 15th 2023 and so much has happened since then. You may not know it but you saved the lives of hundreds of people. You were an amazing person, a dean's list student at West Valley College, a person with boundless energy and ambition, a fitness teacher, and an overall great friend, in fact, the reason you got on flight 93 was to come home from vacation with a friend. You made the 21 years of your life as fun and joyful as possible.
Who would have thought that one thunderstorm on the evening of September 10th 2001 could lead to all of this? It’s very clear that if the thunderstorm had never happened, and if you would’ve taken your original flight home, you would be doing great things right now. It makes me sad knowing that you got on flight 93 the next morning expecting nothing more than a regular flight. I can't imagine how it would have felt to be sitting on that plane and realize that you’re not going to make it home.
You and every other passenger on flight 93 are heroes. If none of you had been on that plane then hundreds and maybe even thousands of people would be dead right now but they're not and that's because you stopped that from happening. Your story will never be forgotten, it's currently being shared on multiple platforms and websites, plus your family, friends, and acquaintances all make sure that your story is heard.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for this country.
Greater Johnstown High School APUSH I
9th grade writers