Family, Community, & Connections
Developing an understanding of how our own American Creed connects to family and community history.
By definition, American Creed is a term used to refer to the idea that the defining element of American identity, first formulated by Thomas Jefferson, and elaborated by many others, including liberty, equality, justice, and humanity. But how do we, ourselves, as Americans develop and understand the connection to our own family and community history? Each individual's American Creed is a blend of family legacy with intertwined personal values and experience built within. With, struggle, hardship, but also success, everyone is who they are today because of their family's journey that is deeply rooted in history.
Your own personal foundation can be set through many things, including stories passed down generation after generation, shared memories and experiences, traditions, or even just simple influences on beliefs and principles. For myself, I can relate to all of these. It is as easy as taking time to sit down a grandparent to talk about their past, to listen and become engaged in the conversation. Something as simple as asking about a special antique, can lead to worlds of conversation, rich in history. It does not take much to learn about your background, and family history, but it will make you feel more devoted and connected to society as an American. Whether your ancestors immigrated to the United States seeking a better life, or have lived here for generations, your personal American creed is impacted and constructed along the way.
Although your personal American Creed is easily developed through family, community history can have an even broader influence. Your community's past shapes its present identity and will influence the values, principles, and actions of those members within. By taking the time to understand the history of your community, connections will deepen as you contribute to its ongoing depth of abundant history. Through significant events, cultural traditions, and special legacies, each community develops their own identity and reputation. By acknowledging this history, it shows commitment and the importance of creating connections within. It is important to give back to your community by participating in their events, and volunteering for various organizations and causes. For myself, I give back to my community through both participation and service. Growing up, playing sports has given me a sense of connection to my community, as well as the service opportunities I have had to give my support. Overall, it is important to become knowledgeable about your own community history to learn, and enrich your own American Creed.
Everyone has a different story and background, resulting in everyone having a different American Creed. Roots in family and community history are significant factors to this development.
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