My American Creed
American Creed for me is defined by America's diversity.
To me, American Creed is all about perspective. We throw around the term “melting pot” a lot, and it is true, but we forget to look into what that really means. America is a country of immigrants, of rich and diverse culture and experience. Everyone brings something new to the table, creating a country of individuals, not just one singular demographic. But we as a country forget about the diversity within the country as well. Even within my state, people grow up in completely different areas and therefore have different ideas of what being American means. I grew up in a tight-knit lakeside village where everyone knew everyone, but my mom grew up in farmland where people lived miles and miles apart. Because of that, her idea of community is much different than mine. The beauty of America is that everyone sees it differently, the American Creed is unique to each person.
Diversity is everywhere in this country; people are going to grow up differently in every region, state, and even city. Someone who grew up in Alaska is not going to have the same experiences as someone who grew up in Florida. Someone in New York City is going to grow up differently than someone in a rural town outside of Boise, Idaho. Where we live determines a lot of our perspectives in life and the sheer size of America cultivates thousands of different perspectives. Everyone’s American Creed is wholly unique to them and their life experiences and I think that is beautiful. You can go to college in this country and meet people from completely different backgrounds, hear their stories, and actually learn something. This country gives the people an opportunity like no other— to truly learn from each other. It is the power of the American Creed that means so much. It is the idea that it does not have a set definition that makes it special. Our American Creed is not something we keep to ourselves, but it is something that we should share with others to make the country better.
People always want to talk about politics and opinions until someone has an opinion that goes against theirs. I have noticed that people are not very receptive to new and different ideas and that needs to change. The ability to talk to people who live so different from us is a blessing that many countries don’t have. That is something we need to take advantage of. We cannot sit idly by and let people with the same opinions talk for the entire nation. It is our diversity that makes us American and we have to use it. People in different parts of the country are going to have different needs, wants, and ideals; we have to be willing to listen. If we cannot listen to opposing perspectives, American Creed has no meaning. We all take pride in our American Creed, in our family history and legacy. It is important that we take the time to understand why people think so differently from us; what is the reason for their opinion? We may find that they have a point or a personal connection that could make understanding the opposing side much easier. This country will not stand if we cannot let go of the strange competitiveness that has developed between party lines. We cannot call ourselves diverse and not do anything with it.
Being American isn’t a one-size-fits-all term; it is our differences that make us Americans and that is so special. These differences in the places we are raised, the people who raise us, and the cultures we are raised around all shape our views and opinions in the world. We are all exposed to different experiences, creating a unique perspective for each person. Everyone has their own dreams and hopes for the future— everyone has their own American Dream. This country’s geographic and cultural diversity foster a community of individuals with such unique hopes and dreams. Our experiences shape who we are and the ability to share our experiences with those who may have different ones is what makes this country so great. Everyone has the freedom to lead different lives, to do things that they want to do and have completely different experiences in life. The ability to lead unique and individual lives and share ideas with others is something that is special to this country. This country is not only diverse in culture but in ideals and perspectives, in our ideas of the American Creed. That is why we need to come together and share our stories, because, without unique perspectives, we cannot grow as a country to make America better for every person in every situation.
Bay High School 2024 1st Block
Ap Government