
To me, American Creed is the idea that as an American you are entitled to certain freedoms, rights, and responsibilities

My American Creed

To me, American Creed is the idea that being American means that you are entitled to certain individual freedoms, rights and opportunities, while also being obligated to uphold certain responsibilities.

For one, being American means that you are entitled to the freedoms and basic rights outlined in the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments to the constitution are an extremely important foundational document which influence so much of what it means to be America. The Bill of Rights ensures that Americans have certain guaranteed rights, including the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion. These rights ensure that citizens of America are given the freedom to live life and express themselves how they choose, and are not held back by the government. In addition, it ensures that Americans may speak out against actions or policies that they do not agree with, freeing them from oppression from the government.

In addition, being American means that citizens often have more access to certain opportunities. The declaration of independence states that all humans are entitled to inalienable rights, these being the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In regards to the latter, many view America as a land of opportunity in which anyone can be anything they put their mind to. While this is often very idealistic and unrealistic, many people do manage to make a life for themselves in America, thanks to the freedom they have to pursue their fortune and opportunity. For one, being in America gives young people access to further education, even if you cannot afford university through opportunities such and community college. Plus, America hosts a wide variety of industries for young people to pursue jobs in. While there exist many problems with equal opportunity, and the reality for many citizens is not as idealistic and many would expect from ẗhe land of opportunity, citizens still do have the option to pursue means to further their success.

Plus, people in America are able to speak up against actions the government may take which they do not agree with. In this way, they can promote the change they want to see. Through speech, press, assembly, and petition, citizens can make their voices heard and advocate for issues they believe in order to maker their country better as a whole.

However, these freedoms do not come without responsibility. Americans have certain responsibilities that they should uphold. For example, citizens have the responsibility to participate in voting. When americans participate in voting, they are securing the future of America that they want to see. In addition, some may choose to serve the country further by working a government or bureaucratic job or serving in the military. By doing so, citizens can give back to their country and ensure that the freedoms they enjoy remain in tact.




Bay High School 2024 1st Block

Ap Government

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