My American Creed
My family plays a huge part in my American Creed because of what they have done and what they are still doing for me.
My American Creed
My family plays a huge part in my American Creed because of what they have done and what they are still doing for me. There is nothing like family and parents who are always giving love, time, effort, and care. And they don't have to do it, but the fact that they choose to do it makes it even better; it shows that they really care, and that motivates me to be a better person for them.
One day I hope to be able to repay my family for all they have done. My parents put in hard work to make me more successful than who they turned out to be, and they push me in the right direction for life. Sometimes, they are so hard on me but I know it’s just so I won’t end up making the same mistakes that they did in life.
My parents know that they will not always be there, so they teach me to make the right choices in life, and I know that one day when I have a family I will push them in the right direction too. My parents go to work everyday and even work double shifts sometimes. My parents give me opportunities, but then it’s all up to me after that.
Puckett High School Sociology
High school sociology class @ Puckett High School in Mississippi