Our Progress As A Nation
As a nation, we definitely struggle to collaborate and define our ideals and what our creed actually means, but the overall idea of what the people see our nation stands for is very optimistic and having equal opportunity.
As a nation, we definitely struggle to collaborate and define our ideals and what our creed actually means. The overall idea of what the people see our nation stands for is very optimistic and having equal opportunity. We have progressed extremely in the past decades and centuries. From slavery and women's rights to government funding and labor laws, the nation has thrived from change. More people have opportunities to live their lives equally and fair. Women can now vote, and they are working to make wages equal to the male's. African Americans can now use the same bathrooms freely as Whites. The definition of freedom has evolved and created more cases for people born in this nation and who have migrated to this nation. People have better education and have opportunities to go to good colleges with financial help from the government. The nation has more growing and progressing to do, but the people of our nation have been practicing their rights to speak up about the ideals and dreams America has for the future. If the people continue to speak up, we can shape the nation in a way that we ideal and can contribute to.
Niagara High School Mr. Laarman's U.S. History Class
11th graders from Niagara, WI