The Reality Of "American Creed"
The definition of American Creed is a very vast definition which some of the words used to express American Creed can have different meanings to different people. The reality of American Creed is not the reality in-general to all, but your reality.
The definition of American Creed is a very vast definition which some of the words used to express American Creed such as liberty and equality can have different meanings to different people. I believe that there is no specific definition for American Creed, and everyone has their own opinion and right to believe what you want to believe. American Creed is sort of a self reflection definition of one's opinion of what the duty of an American is. Also with all of these different definitions of what American Creed is, we the people should be more acceptance of all opinions, but yet reasonable. As each person comes to identify what American Creed means to them, we should also be considerate of other opinions too. Out of this perspective, your reasoning would be more "rounded", meaning more desirable to more people instead of yourself. But being aware that just one definition will not please all. My American Creed is a realization of one's self rather than a definition of all Americans.
Niagara High School Mr. Laarman's U.S. History Class
11th graders from Niagara, WI