The Story of an Orzeł Biały
My American Creed consists of letting life take its course, working hard, and always staying connected to my roots and my family. In this video all three parts are going to be demonstrated,showing how my american creed ties into my family.
The Story of an Orzeł Biały
My American Creed consists of letting life take its course, working hard, and always staying connected to my roots and my family. In this video all three parts are going to be demonstrated,showing how my American Creed ties into my family. I have chosen to interview two members of my family. My mother and my Grandfather. They moved to the U.S at different times and lived in Poland during different times. In both their interviews you can see aspects of my creed being portrayed, showing how my family and heritage has influenced my creed. I also asked the question as to whether they considered themselves as a Polish American or an American Polak because I wanted to see if there was going to be a variation in answers. I know I consider myself a polish american, I grew up living on American soil, with American ideals and american people. The only Polish influence I have is my family, which is still a very influential part, but I never lived in Poland nor did I go through the struggles my older counterparts have.
Works Cited
Bawtrel, Andzrej. Interview. 6 June 2019.
Bawtrel, Edyta. Interview. 6 June 2019.
Staples High School Sulzycki 2A 2018-19
Final Exam Performance Assessment