My American Dream
My American Creed consists of a caring community who contributes to society, hard-working people with lots of energy who care about bettering themselves and America, a place where everyone is welcome, and a successful powerful country.
My American Creed
My American Creed consists of a caring community who contributes to society, hard-working people with lots of energy who care about bettering themselves and America, a place where everyone is welcome, and a successful powerful country.
A caring community who contributes to society
- Together, Service, Engaged
Hard-working people with lots of energy who care about bettering themselves and America
- Hard-working, Ambition
A place where everyone is welcome
- Tolerance, Encouraging
A successful powerful country
- Triumph, Strong
T ogether
H ard-working
E ngaged
S ervice
T olerance
A mbition
T riumph
E ncouraging
S trongredacted
Bay High School 4th Block
4th Block AP Gov