Visual Poetry Assignment- Legacy by Nikki Grimes

Students analyzed poetry focusing on structure, literary devices, and theme, using the book Legacy: Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance by Nikki Grimes, a collection and response to female Harlem Renaissance poets.
These words mean to notice those who have been forgotten. Those who are forgotten are those in need as well as the old, and they are forgotten because people think they have more important things to do then focus on the old and homeless. A metaphor is saying something is something else. The way this poem uses a metaphor is calling a woman's hands tree branches. As well as saying they are lighter than vapor. The mood emphasized in this poem is weak and abandoned, this fits because of these homeless “ and old people” being forgotten about and they have their current states being withered due to not so good conditions they have. They were forgotten because no one wants to interact with people that look like they are about to fall apart, or even look like they are going to die at any moment. There is no structure to this poem. The first theme, If we pause we take notice of those who are forgotten. The other theme is, you don't realize how much someone needs help until it’s too late.
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students