Coming together as a community.
Coming together as the 40 passengers did on Flight 93 during the 9/11 attack could stop big problems like climate change.
A big problem in this world is climate change. Climate change is a really bad problem because it can lead to bigger problems like wildfires, heat waves, changes in rainfall, flooding, landslides, and more. On September 11, 2001, 9/11 happened and on Flight 93 the passengers worked together because of them, there was less damage done and fewer people hurt because if the plane had hit the Pentagon even more lives would have been taken so they worked together to make a change. If we were to work together we could make some changes to make climate change less out of control and the way those passengers worked together is how our community could and should come together to make big changes. Dropping the amount of wildfires that happen a year could make big changes in trees, animal deaths, and even human deaths from the smoke. Overall I believe we as a community can come together to help stop climate change and the the passengers on Flight 93 were an example of coming together to stop a problem.
Greater Johnstown High School Wrabley - Civics 8
8th grade students participating in the Write to Remember assignment to reflect on the impact of Flight 93 and the events of September 11, 2001.