
From segregation to melting pot: diversity in America.

The United States of America, for as long as it's been around, has been known as a melting pot. Right now, there is a racial majority, but researchers and analysts estimate that in twenty years there will be no majority. A lot of Americans see this as a bad thing due to language mix up, a racial dispute, and problems. But as out youth grow up and our newest generation of Americans mature you'll come to notice it's getting a lot more welcoming and accepting. Just because right now in America we see things like our President not being welcoming, hate groups argue, and all around racial problems doesn't mean our next generation won't work things out. Nowadays we see black, white, Latino, Asian, etc. Kids be the best of friends by playing sports and being friends in school. I've also noticed that in schools how they are teaching kids to be more accepting towards others. It didn't always used to be like that. 

Just 50 years ago we still had segregation and look at us now, every race is accepted anywhere. See, America is all about growing together and trying to make our world and country a better place. That's the beautiful thing about America, you can look at it however you want. You can either think positive about or negatively but more and more people are coming together either way you look at it. When you meet another person of a different race, the first thing that comes to your head is not the color of their skin, it's simply the person inside of them and that's something no one in America could have said 50 years ago. I think things like this are what bring people together in America and I chose this topic because I believe accepting diversity in America is the most important thing that keeps us stable. Positive growth is the key to our country's success. With a good American heart all I see is it going up from here. 




This is a class of mostly 11th grade U.S. History Students from Georgetown, KY.

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