American Creed: Rituals that Make America
To me, America is a county full of abundance and community. In this poem I describe a common ritual that embodies these traits: gathering around the dinner table. When we share a meal we are open to the food, the company, and America comes together.
We come to the shores of America,
The sound of the Liberty Bell ringing in our ears,
Fire in our bellies,
The hope of a successful future in our hearts.
We come from different corners of the world,
With diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies.
After a hard days work, we gather,
We sit in different ideas of home, neighborhood, and community,
United around the same table,
Breaking bread together,
Night after night,
We put our backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies aside.
We listen to each other,
We share and try new things,
We eat together,
We make America,
Night after night.
When we come to the shores of America,
We dip our ladle in the melting pot,
We take our share, but make sure to leave some left over,
For those still on their way.
When they come to the shores of America,
We share in our abundance,
And open wide our doors.
Because we all come to these shores,
Listening for the sound of Liberty,
And hungry for the taste of freedom.
Bay High School 2023 1st Block
AP Government Class