What is Your American Creed
Continually, I believe in order to be the best American I can be I must first be the best person I can be.
When I first heard the term American creed, I have to be honest, I was puzzled. However, now that I know what an American creed is I believe it possess many different aspects. But before I elaborate on its meaning in my life I’d like to define it. American creed is an American’s beliefs on what it means to be American.
Firstly, I believe my American creed begins with understanding the very blessings I’ve been given by this great nation. I am entitled to freedoms that allow me to express myself religiously, politically, ethnically, and more. I am mandated the ability to endeavour in entrepreneurship. I am entitled to a right to vote, petition, and rally, and countless other privileges that other nations do not provide their citizens. Secondly, I believe furthering my American creed requires me to understand the history of my ethnicity and express my gratitude for the contributions that my people and America has made to it. I identify as African American and as many may know, my people have come a long way. So when I say a part of my American creed is understanding my history I mean I need to know where that “long way” began and what African Americans have done since to earn their place in this nation. In order to show my gratitude I must continue that legacy by conducting myself with fervent characteristics.
Continually, I believe in order to be the best American I can be I must first be the best person I can be. Self reflecting and meditating are two essential aspects of my life. I am always pushing to be a better person because it improves my confidence, interactions with others, work ethic, and overall performance. I wake up with a daily goal to treat people how I would like to be treated and I never leave the house without confidence in my left pocket, kindness in my right, and a smile on my face. Often times I believe as Americans we forget the value of working. The ability to get paid for your passion or just to get paid in general is a gift. It means that whatever we want we can go out and get! So why do we take this privilege for granted and sometimes show up to work with a nasty attitude? Why do we frown when we are asked to do more than what is expected? Why do so many of us subject ourselves to mediocrity? I would endeavor to say that some of us do not value the rights that have been embedded in our constitution. Although it is true, the initial intention of this grand document was meant for the prosperity of one group of people, time has proved empathetic for now our government is working to provide equal treatment to all of America’s inhabitants. Therefore, a piece of my American creed is to always aspire to improve and also to understand that in this nation’s system remains evidence of corruption and inequality, however; just as time has shown already, the remodeling and restructuring of our country is a recursive process.
Mignonne Leachman
Grade: 12th
School: Port Allen High School
Baton Rouge, LA
West Baton Rouge Library West Baton Rouge Library
Written responses compiled by Port Allen High School students in response to the Writing Our Future prompts.