
Below is an acronym I made to represent what I believe the American Creed means in today's world.

Most days

You will find

Americans fighting,


Every day because of things like




Arms control

Never in agreement

Can we as a nation

Reunite as one and

Earn back

Each other's trust, respect, and love

Do we have what it takes to truly unite again and end fighting within for good?

I believe that the United States is becoming more and more divided because people are getting worse at communicating which is ultimately hurting the nation as a whole. In Ohio, people are not communicating as well because they are relying so much on technology to do it for them. Instead of talking to one another, we will text someone else to communicate with them. I think a big reason for this is the pandemic affecting our social skills and how we interact. If we lose the ability to connect with someone in real life, it becomes difficult to talk to each other about issues and solve those issues to become better as a state and even as a nation. My American creed is ultimately that to become better as a nation and stop all of the fighting and nonsense that goes on, we must communicate with each other and more importantly, we must be able to LISTEN to others who have differing opinions than our own.




Bay High School 2024 2nd Block

AP Gov

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