This Is America
The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. But is it truly?
This is America.
The land of the free
home of the brave.
But is it truly?
This is America
A country with the largest amount of mass shootings.
A country that exploits immigrants and then deports them.
A country where a 50k single parent salary is
Too rich to qualify for free/reduced lunch for their kids
This is America.
A country built by immigrants for immigrants
Has turned into a cesspool for hate and discrimination
Since the creation of this nation
This is America
A country that used to stand for defending itself and becoming united.
A country, a nation now divided.
A country divided by political views, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation and beliefs.
Ironic, isn’t it?
The land of opportunity
The land of the free
Land that was safe haven turned into prison and we are trapped.
We are trapped in this mindset of fighting instead of debating
Defending instead of understanding
Competing instead of coming together.
We fight over everything that doesn’t need fighting.
We fight over things we can’t change about other people.
We fight over fundamental human rights.
We fight over everything we shouldn’t be fighting over.
Who we are as individuals are subject to change.
But by our own volition, no one else’s.
You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.
Because it’s their choice.
Who are you to decide?
They are not you and you are not them.
Fighting is what Americans do.
Even if we aren’t technically involved in something.
But there is only one thing that remains.
If you do not fall into a minority group,
You should have no opinion on their rights.
You don’t know what they experience
You don’t know their life
You don’t know them.
So how could you have an opinion on something you know nothing about?
How can you disregard an entire community for the sins one has committed?
How can you base an opinion of someone on the color of their skin?
How can you flip a switch and go
From being warm and accepting to ice old because of a sheet of paper?
This is America.
Where anyone can say anything
And they are protected under the first amendment
That's cool and all but it gives free reign to those who wish to use words to harm others
Gives free reign for people to spout toxins into the river of society
Gives free reign for those who wish to poison us all
And kill the good in society.
You see, we as Americans, have practically perfected the art of avoidance
We have become so desensitized
That whenever we see a new headline,
We only talk about it for a day and then let it fade away into nothingness
As if none of it truly mattered.
We talk about shootings as if taking the lives of countless people is debatable
Where instead of trying to find a solution for the availability of guns
We war over whether or not it is infringing our second amendment right.
Where the lives lost during:
Columbine 13
Sandy Hook 26
Ft. Lauderdale 5
Charleston 9
San Bernardino 14
Pulse 49
Vegas 51
Parkland 16
Become a “controversial issue”
Rather than mourning the loss
Of people, of children
This is America.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Of the United States of America
And To the Republic for Which It Stands
One Nation, Under God
Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All
These are the words to our Pledge of Allegiance
All of which are untrue
I believe in these words
But how can I say them every single day
When I know there are people out there
Blatantly ignoring these words.
This is my true American Creed.
This Is America.
And this is an America that was never intended.
Desert View High School Ms. Gale's Creative Writing Class
A collection of creative responses to the American Creed project.