It's A Choice Not A Necessity.
My poem is about my thoughts, questions and beliefs on the Pledge of Allegiance.
“I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic
For Which it Stands
One Nation Under God,
With Liberty and Justice For All.”
Each morning I stand for you
Hand over my heart
As to say that each beat has trust
Trust in your arms
But you have defied me.
I have been told all my life to follow my dream
“Believe whatever you want to believe Ellissa.”
But I might just be one of the lucky ones
Will it always be that way?
I don’t have my fate chosen out for me
I will choose it for myself
But what about the discriminated
The aliens
Do they get to choose?
The lucky ones
I don’t think we are all people... Humans
I know we are
We are people who control our own actions
We are people that are different but the same
Different colors,
Different religions,
Different languages,
Different heights, names and laughs
Yet reports read
“Black leaders refuse to pledge allegiance to flag” - Washington Times
“Why I stopped saying America’s Pledge of Allegiance” - Religion News
“Objection to Pledge of Allegiance ruffles feathers” - The Frederick News-Post
“High School Students Explain Why They Protest Anthems and Pledges”
So yea I guess,
“I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic
For Which it Stands
One Nation Under God,
With Liberty and Justice For All.”
But I’d much rather perceive it as
I Pledge Allegiance to that Flag
Of the Divided States of America
And to the Republic
For Which it Stands
Never One Nation Under Any God
With Tyranny and Injustice For Us.
Desert View High School Ms. Gale's Creative Writing Class
A collection of creative responses to the American Creed project.