Quality of Equality
A short poem about how I feel about intolerance in America.
Quality of Equality
It’s matter of quality
I finally fall back to reality
What I desperately want to see
Is some genuine human empathy
I find myself weeping
The hatred brewing and creeping
Into every nook and cranny
Ripping apart our country
Divides and ravines
Separate us with no in-between
A hope for tolerance and acceptance
Alas, There is no abundance
In a small town, rural Kentucky
I guess you could consider me lucky
For me, I experience little attack
However, I feel some indirect flak
All it took was rumor of a gay campground
To bring all of the hate and disgust around
All around, intense emotions
Too much sound, a huge commotion
I’ve heard the horrors
Of how we make fake borders
With one another
It makes me shudder
People are people
We all are equal
No matter our sexuality, religion or race
We should greet all people with an open arm embrace
Morehead Writing Project Dr. Deanna Mascle's Fall 2018 Writing I Classes
Dr. Deanna Mascle's Fall 2018 Writing I Classes