Just another day in the mines
A man working in the mines and made sacrifices for his job just to get laid off.
He wakes up every day before dawn
He kisses his wife and child to say goodbye
He told them he’d be home before nine
Just another day in the mine
They, of course, knew this was a lie
But they just smiled and said alright
They’d grown accustomed to this life
Just another day in the mine
After he left, they said a prayer
Father, please keep him under your care
So many unknowns and what-ifs
Just another day in the mine
He came home early that evening
Worry instantly flooded their faces
Why hadn’t they been kept in the Good Lords graces
It was his last “just another day” in the mines
Morehead Writing Project Dr. Deanna Mascle's Fall 2018 Writing I Classes
Dr. Deanna Mascle's Fall 2018 Writing I Classes