How do Diverse Americans Understand the American Creed?
The people are looking for the American Dream: an idea that in America everyone has freedom to live their very best life from freedom of speech and religion, to freedom to bear arms and the right to a fair and speedy trial.
Everyone is diverse and unique in their own way. Every single person on Earth is genetically modified differently from the next. We each have a pathway made for us that we all will follow. This pathway will include hardships. For some, hardships will be uncontrollable unless they are willing to make major sacrifices. For many naturalized American citizens, the decision to uproot their lives was probably unbelievably hard. These hardships may include religious persecution, loss of a job, change in political control or simply a need for change. For anyone, going through a rough time will cause appreciation for what was before and what comes after the difficult times.
Many families migrate to America as a way improve their previous living conditions. The people are looking for the American Dream: an idea that in America everyone has freedom to live their very best life from freedom of speech and religion, to freedom to bear arms and the right to a fair and speedy trial. America allows both the freedom to express yourself while also affording the liberty to openly live your life without hiding. America is more accepting to different lifestyles as opposed to the surrounding countries. In America all voices are heard through voting - which anyone 18 or older is allowed to participate in- a luxury that is not allowed in some countries due to their political status. Political persecution is a major reason for immigration to America.
Each naturalized citizen has faced a double set of hardships. Not only from their mother country which caused them to come to America but also going through the process to even become a citizen so that they are able to fully participate in all freedoms granted to natural born American citizens. These people may face discrimination in America or inability to find work due to not being legal but they do not give up, they continue to push in hopes that they will soon be able to be called American citizens. These people who have worked so hard understand what it is like to not be accepted, and once they are fully accepted they admire every part of America, the people, and most importantly, themselves.
America can open doors for so many to live out their dreams and be successful. It is a melting pot with various cultures, ethnicities and people all with the power to be stunning.
Jordan Domingue
Port Allen High School
Winterville, Louisiana
West Baton Rouge Library West Baton Rouge Library
Written responses compiled by Port Allen High School students in response to the Writing Our Future prompts.