How my Grandfather influenced my view on American Creed
My grandfather worked his way from the bottom to achieve success, and his experiences serve as the basis of my American Creed
Everyone’s idea of their American Creed obviously differs from person to person. This can all depend on someone’s personal experiences, family history, political viewpoints, religion, beliefs, class, community, social status, or values. A common trait I have seen shared throughout most ideas on the American Creed is that they have to do with one concept: Freedom. Whether it be freedom of expression, freedom of choice, or freedom of opportunity, everyone seems to view America as the nation in which all of the above are possible.
In most cases, viewpoints on the American Creed involve the ideals upon which the country was founded in the first place, back in 1776. In the Declaration of Independence, early on in the document, it is stated that everyone is born with certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that America is the place in which these can be achieved. This is the main concept that my American Creed relates upon.
Along with many other individuals, my American Creed is based off of my family history. Thanks to my Grandfather and many others like him, I firmly believe in the freedom of opportunity that this country provides. Hard work, set goals, and a plan on how to reach those goals can help you achieve great success.
Marvin was the eighth out of nine children. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1926. Marvin’s father was a tailor, which was a profession that left him and his family with little money. Growing up, Marvin slept in the same bed with two of his brothers. He, along with his siblings, had to leave their home at the age of 16 to find a job and make enough to live on their own due to the fact that money was so tight. While Marvin was attending high school, he was constantly told to go to an automotive school rather than stay in high school so that he could get an automotive job upon completion. This wasn’t something he wanted to do. At the age of 18, he joined the Navy on November 15th, 1944. His role was to repair any ships that he was assigned to. He worked hard and was proud that he was doing his part. After World War II ended, he was discharged on March 14th, 1946. Upon returning back to his hometown, he decided that he wasn’t going to be like the rest of his family. He kept the work ethic that he learned from his time serving, and attempted to go to college. This was something that his siblings never tried. He went from university to university, getting credits from colleges nearby any locations at which he could live for free. For example, when his brother went to live in California, Marvin slept on his couch and went to school nearby. He eventually ended up acquiring an undergraduate degree and attended Chase Law School in Northern Kentucky University. Eventually, he became a very successful lawyer through his hard work and determination.
Even though I live in a privileged area, Marvin, my Grandfather, is an inspiration to me and a big reason why my American Creed is what it is. His story of perseverance is only one among millions of other stories of those who have fought to make their living situation better for themselves and their family. I believe that with set goals and a plan, along with hard work, everyone has the ability to make their way out of a bad situation. My grandfather’s story proves that.
This nation is constantly changing. In some ways, it is changing faster than we can keep track of. But one thing America has always stood for is a beacon of hope to the less fortunate, providing people with a sense that things can get better. Obviously, not everyone will be able to reach their goals. However, I believe it is possible for bad situations to get better if those involved are willing to work their hardest for it, just like my grandfather. In today’s world, even the most minor choices you make could have legitimate consequences. For example, if you get too lenient, you may slip into a financial state that is hard to exit. However, if you make the right choices with the right work ethic, and you will achieve some form of success. It is all about the goals you choose, how you plan on working towards them, and how well you perform in the execution of that plan.
Staples High School Bauks 2A