family American creed
My dad grew up poor in Belize and my mom grew up poor on the bad side of town in Cleveland.
My dad grew up poor in Belize and my mom grew up poor on the bad side of town in Cleveland. My dad 25 years ago took a blind leap and moved to the US to attend Cleveland State University so he himself could live a better life and give his future family opporotunites that he never had. He worked hard through college and got a degree in an up and coming industry with computer science. It wasn't to say he still didn't have his struggle while in college, he lived with one of his professors who sort of became his mentor and is now considered one of my uncles. He didn't have a lot of money, or a car, he worked part time to try and support himself through college. My mom at the same time faced many similar struggles while living with my grandma. Her and my grandma were living paycheck to paycheck after my grandparents divorce. My grandma worked at McDonald's for a little so that was the food she ate a lot. My mom also attended cleveland state university where she met my dad. When my parents moved into together, the lived with my grandma and had no car, were still poor and just trying to make ends meet. They moved to rocky river in a duplex, and then had me in 2007. Still not the richest people but with their degrees and hard work were much better off than previous years. In 2008 during the housing crisis, they bought a house in bay village that they could elliglbe for as my mom was pregnant at the time with my brother. We have lived their ever since and my parents still work just as hard as they did when they were broke college students. My American creed is trying to work just as hard because my parents did everything they could to give themselves and their children the life that they never had. I've traveled and done so many things that wouldn't be possible without my parents work ethic so I owe it to them and my future family to do the same things as my parents.
Bay High School 2024 2nd Block
AP Gov