American Creed
I believe that my story identifies with the equality aspect of American Creed. In relation to today's culture, my claim may come across as contradictory. My parents and grandparents immigrated here from Vietnam and all had to go through the naturalization process. Fortunately for me, I was born here. In today's world, many still fight for equal rights. That's something that I completely respect and support. I think that fight for change is essential in an aging government and I commend those who acknowledge and push for it.
While I recognize that equality is something that America still needs to work on, I'd like to offer a different perspective. I'd like to express my gratitude for the Americans who really made me believe I'm one of us. Since my parents aren't from the United States, I believe that on some level they'll always feel slightly out of place. I grew up heeding warnings about discrimination and fear of hate because of my race. I understand why my parents tried their best to protect me from this. They entered this country in a different generation than I did and I'm sure at one point or another they experienced a less than warm welcome from others. I however, am very lucky to be able to say that I've never experienced this feeling of fear towards my peers.
I may have just lucked out when it came to the environment I grew up in. Throughout my entire childhood, I've only ever felt loved and accepted. My teachers never treated me any differently. My friends and their families always looked at me the same way they looked at everyone else. The people I grew up with weren't perfect, but I can easily say they weren't racist. Growing up, I never felt like an outcast or like I didn't belong. If it weren't for my parents, I'm not sure the possibility would have ever crossed my mind. I'm unbelievably blessed to have grown up in a social setting that accepted everyone with open arms. Equality was never something that had to be taught, it's just something that was.
I'm sure when I was a kid there were some snide remarks that just went over my head or maybe some conversations I just never heard. Our society will never be completely equal. I'm sure there are those who feel the social implications of their race more than I do. It's very evident in the history lessons and hate crimes we see on the news. I just wanted to offer a viewpoint that commended the good-doings of the people I've met so far in my life. I believe them to be the embodiment of American Creed. Without them, I'm not sure I'd feel as American as I do today.
So although on paper I may register as a minority, I've been blessed to be raised in the majority.
Bay High School 4th Block
4th Block AP Gov