
For my project, I wrote a letter to John Talignani. John was a passenger on Flight 93, on the way to family because his stepson had been killed in a head-on collision with another vehicle.

Dear John Talignani,

Reading about how you cared for your wife’s sons like they were your own is inspiring. Owning your own business sounds like a huge accomplishment. You did a lot in your lifetime, a lot for your family to be proud of! You had a range of professions, so I’m guessing you were pretty experienced. On that plane, you stood up and you were a hero. You put your mind on the other people who sat with you on that plane. The immense amount of bravery you had is incredible. 

Working 20 years as a bartender, you probably saw some crazy things. But 9/11 beats anything you may have seen. Your life was valued more than you probably knew. Reading your story, all I could think about was what you thought when you realized the plane was hijacked. Did you know you were in your last moments? I couldn't even imagine what went through your mind. Reading about why you were on that plane was another heartbreaking thing to read. I can’t imagine what your family had to go through since they lost you and your stepson. Along with your daughter-in-law being seriously injured.

9/11 was one of the biggest tragedies America has seen, and I’m so sorry that you had to be involved in it. It taught people to join together and take risks. Possibly not knowing which day could be your last. It made people more involved with each other. I hope you had a very nice and peaceful life with your family. I hope you had an even more peaceful retirement. And I hope you find eternal peace wherever you are now.

- Sincerely, Amara S.




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