
This is my American Creed and some of the ideas of what it means to be an American.

My American Creed is the idea of what it means to be an American and the rights and liberties you receive that are found in the bill of rights, the quality of resources we receive like food and education and the ability for Americans to elect leaders that will help make decisions for America.

One of the main things that identify us as Americans are the liberties we receive such as the ones found in the first amendment, the freedom of free speech, religion, petition, and assembly. There are many countries that do not have these freedoms and many of those people would like to become citizens in the United States and want to express themselves. Over centuries one of the main reasons America had immigrants is because they heard they could freely express their religion and speech. Next, one of the main ideas that makes us Americans is how we can trust the government, and many restaurants, and stores and that they give us quality food and drinks. In America we have tons of great resources such as oceans, lakes, and farm land which gives us great quality food and drinks. We don't have to worry about getting sick from many of the restaurants and stores we eat at. Next, having access to a great education, having many universities to choose from gives us tons of jobs to choose from also. The last thing that makes us Americans is how are government works and how it's a democracy where Americans can influence government decisions by electing their president, senates, and house of representatives.




Bay High School 2024 4th Block

AP Government

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